All the superheroes (fictional and designer) are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met), and it makes for quite a meeting of the minds.
When you look at this mannequin, he morphs between Clark Kent and Superman.


Tobey Maguire as Spiderman

Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman

Thierry Mugler

Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man

Thierry Mugler

Mystique from X-men

Thierry Mugler, Alexander McQueen

This exhibit is not to be missed so get in your bat mobile or invisible plane, and head on over!
The Met carries great merchandise connected with this exhibit. A selection from the shop at the Met is below:

There are additional items (not sold online) that you should check out after you see the exhibit: assorted sterling silver and enamel necklaces and great cuffs. If I were buying the cuffs, I would get two (in two different colors to wear on each wrist a la Wonder Woman). Unfortunately, my wrists are too small for the colorful cuffs.
U r 24K!
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