Monday, September 10, 2012

Ombré Denim...Do I Like?

Hmmm, ombré denim...?

Dearest KromStyle,

I am wondering how you feel about ombré denim.
I see an ad for Stella McCartney ombré denim jeans. Nice peg leg shape but I am really not sure how I feel about that ombré. So I turn to you for the definitive glamour do or don't.

Stella McCartney Ombre Jeans, $355

What do you think kromeister?

Love from,
Your biggest fan!

I found this in my inbox this morning. Let's break it down.

Here is Stella McCartney among other celebrities wearing her ombre jeans.

 While I like the plain pockets, I don't care for the very tight fit. I prefer the fit of the skargorn jeans pictured below.
skargorn jeans, $135
Available at

However, both fit and wash are personal preference and have different uses in a wardrobe and can be paired with different silhouettes both in footwear and tops. The bonus here is that the Stella McCartney jeans are now on sale at Neiman Marcus for $124.

U r 24K!
