Friday, July 11, 2008

Luxurious Linens

Schweitzer Linen on Sale is Superfabulous! Schweitzer Linen is a very reasonable alternative to D. Porthault linen, especially when price is considered. D. Porthault has a sale twice a year; however, Schweitzer Linen always has some items on sale. Sometimes you can find some well priced linen at D. Porthault's sale, but you can't count on it.

D. Porthault Linen (Many of the boudoir shams are $165, and prices go up from there)

Schweitzer Linen (Many of the boudoir shams are $40, and prices go up from there)

You can order Schweitzer Linen online or you can visit their boutiques in Manhattan:

1132 Madison Avenue, (212)249-8361
1053 Lexington Avenue, (212)570-0236
457 Columbus Avenue, (212)799-9629

Both companies make exquisite bed and table linens; budget will determine which shop is right for you.

U r 24K!


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