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Current/Elliott $242, Acne $375, Current/Elliott $245

Erin Wasson X RVCA $223 and Current/Elliot $246
At least this pair doesn't cost an arm and a leg, only an arm.

Paper Denim & Cloth $105
It's a bad fad that really makes me sad.

Current/Elliott $242, Acne $375, Current/Elliott $245

Erin Wasson X RVCA $223 and Current/Elliot $246
It's a tad sad that not only can't people break their own jeans in anymore, but they are willing to pay lots o' money for others to do it. So much for the unique and personal...
At least this pair doesn't cost an arm and a leg, only an arm.

Paper Denim & Cloth $105
U r 24K!
bad bad bad! totally agree
plus it's ugly
Couldn't agree mote KROMSTYLE. It's a bad look. Cute on my 6 yo daughter who may rip her jeans by actually wearing them.
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