Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jewelry, Ice cream, Cocktails and Jazz

These are a few of my favorite things.

It's this guy's birthday.

And Laura Lobdell is celebrating with an ice cream social.

Laura Lobdell Jewelry Presents:

Black and White Ice Cream Social
Celebrating Xiao's Birthday
Thursday, June 24
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Sidewalkside at 183 West 10th Street

Come for a scoop and stay for more:
Music by Small's
Drink Special by Cafe Condesa
Xiao4Now Cocktails at bobo

Black and White Attire, please
Dress in Party Colors for fun and specials

In case of rain, the fun will move inside.

Lobdell Jewelry
183 West 10th Street, New York

Laura Lobdell makes paintings, drawings, and designs artisanal jewelry inspired by every day objects using sterling silver and gold. Lobdell’s jewelry for free-spirited women and men is available in her West Village store at 183 West 10th Street and in fine boutiques like ABC Home, Fred Segal, Calypso, Forty Five Ten in Dallas and the gallery Roseark in Los Angeles. Lobdell’s travels throughout Asia, including Nepal, Cambodia, India, and the TransSiberian Railroad, have informed much of her work. Lobdell is an enthusiastic collector of vintage textiles. A Skowhegan Alumnae and School of Visual Arts M.F.A., her work has been exhibited at The Art Institute of Chicago, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, The National Arts Club of Washington, D.C., Knoedler Gallery, New York and the Louis Stern Gallery, Los Angeles.

Krom Birthday Parties.

U r 24K!


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